Industry Data Sheet
Toolbox Talk
OSHA Resources
Industry Data Sheet
To reduce workplace injuries and fatalities, we must understand when, why and how they happen. Having these specific analytics on hand will allow businesses in hazardous industries to target problem areas and initiate solutions that will lower the number of workplace accidents.
Top Industries for Workplace Injuries and Fatalities
Construction Data Sheet
Analyzing workplace incidents in the Construction sector, which is comprised of establishments primarily engaged in the construction of buildings or engineering projects (e.g., highways and utility systems).
Educational Services Data Sheet
Analyzing workplace incidents in the Educational Services sector, which is comprised of establishments that provide instruction and training in a wide variety of subjects. This institution and training is provided by specialized establishments, such as schools, colleges, universities and training centers.
Health Care and Social Assistance Data Sheet
Analyzing workplace incidents in the Health Care and Social Assistance sector, which is comprised of establishments primarily engaged in providing ambulatory health care services, hospitals, nursing and residential care facilities, and social assistance.
Manufacturing Data Sheet
Analyzing workplace incidents in the Manufacturing sector, which is comprised of establishments engaged in the mechanical, physical or chemical transformation of materials, substances or components into new products.
Public Administration Data Sheet
Analyzing workplace incidents in the Public Administration sector, which is comprised of establishments of federal, state and local government agencies that administer, oversee and manage public programs and have executive, legislative or judicial authority over other institutions within a given area.
Retail Trade Data Sheet
Analyzing workplace incidents in the Retail Trade sector, which is comprised of establishments engaged in retailing merchandise, generally without transformation, and rendering services incidental to the sale of merchandise to the general public.
Transportation and Warehousing Data Sheet
Analyzing workplace incidents in the Transportation and Warehousing sector, which is comprised of industries providing transportation of passengers and cargo, warehousing and storage for goods, scenic and sightseeing transportation, and support activities related to modes of transportation.
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services (ASWMRS) Data Sheet
Analyzing workplace incidents in the ASWMRS sector, which is comprised of establishments performing routine support activities for the day-to-day operations of other organizations. The establishments in this sector specialize in one or more of these support activities and provide these services to clients in a variety of industries and, in some cases, to households.
Toolbox Talk
A Toolbox Talk is an informal safety meeting that focuses on safety topics related to the specific job, such as workplace hazards and safe work practices. Meetings are normally short in duration and are generally conducted at the job site prior to the commencement of a job or work shift.
General Safety Tips
Carbon Monoxide Safety (LS-85)
Know the dangers of Carbon Monoxide, how to prevent exposure and what to do if you see someone showing symptoms of poisoning.
Extension Cord Safety (LS-87)
Prevent dangers such as electrocution, fire, and tripping hazards with these proper safety precautions.
Pinch Points (LS-89)
Pinch points can cause serious injuries, including amputation or even death. They can occur on any part of the body when caught between two objects.
Safety Data Sheets (LS-90)
Safety Data Sheets include information such as the properties of each chemical at a workplace; the physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and safety precautions for handling, storing and transporting the chemical.
Lifting and Back Safety (LS-91)
Poor posture, loss of flexibility, stress, bad working habits and a decline in physical fitness can contribute to back problems. It is vital to your health to practice safe habits in these areas as well as correct lifting techniques to reduce the risk of back injuries.
Overhead Power Line Safety (LS-93)
When it comes to electrical safety, there is no room for carelessness or complacency. Nearly every work site has power lines to be aware of and equipment that could make contact with them. That’s why it’s vital to your safety to know proper power line safety practices.
Busy Seasons Mean More Distractions (LS-95)
There are times of the year when more workers tend to get hurt due to additional pressure put on them from the holidays and different seasons. Understanding unsafe working conditions and unsafe acts can be the difference in keeping your busy seasons safe for all employees.
Cold Stress (LS-96)
Cold Stress occurs by driving down the skin temperature and eventually the internal body temperature. This may lead to serious health problems. Learn how to identify and prevent cold stress.
Fatigue (LS-97)
Fatigue is more than simply feeling tired or drowsy. It is a state of mental or physical exhaustion that stops a person from being able to function normally. Learn about the risks and what you can do to fight fatigue.
Emergency Eyewash & Showers (LS-99)
Eye injuries count for more than $3 million in lost production, medical and workers' compensation costs. OSHA estimates that 90% of these eye injuries are avoidable with proper use of safety eye-wear.
In Case of an Emergency (LS-100)
Everyone wants to believe that they would know exactly what to do in the case of an emergency. Learn how to create an Emergency Action Plan so employees will know what to do in an emergency.
Working Safely in Hot Environments (LS-104)
Most of us associate heat stress with working outdoors but it can also occur while working indoors. If you do not take the right precautions when working in hot conditions, you can develop heat-related illnesses.
Youth Employment (LS-105)
Keeping Missouri youth safe on the job. We can all help to keep young workers safe.
Prescription Opioids (LS-107)
Reduce the risk of addiction to prescription opioids.
Oxygen and Acetylene Cylinders (LS-108)
If proper safety guidelines are not followed when using oxygen/acetylene welding equipment, it is equivalent to handling live explosives.
Rollover Protection Structures (LS-109)
Tractor rollovers accounts for a large percentage of tractor related fatalities in the United States. Rollover protection structures can help to reduce this number.
Voluntary Respiratory Protection (LS-110)
Mandatory information for employees using respirators when not required under the standard.
Marijuana and Workplace Safety (LS-114)
In 2022, Missouri voters approved a ballot measure to legalize recreational use of marijuana. Missouri employers may prohibit employees from being under the influence of marijuana while at work.
While pushing, you can use your body weight and keep a more natural posture to assist with the task. While pulling, you tend to use only one hand and your body tends to be twisted.
Safe Lifting Techniques (LS-116)
Using proper lifting techniques can significantly decrease your risk of injury while lifting.
Slips, Trips, and Falls (LS-117)
Slips, Trips, and falls make up a large portion of workplace injuries and are some of the leading causes of workers' compensation claims in Missouri.
Hand Tools can cause cut/puncture/scrape injuries, eye injuries and struck-by injuries.
Personal Protective Equipment (LS-119)
Equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that can cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses.
Special Equipment Safety Tips
Chain Saw Safety (LS-84)
Reduce the likelihood of injury with these lifting techniques and learn more about causes of back pain.
Cut-Off Saw Safety (LS-86)
Cut-off saws can be extremely dangerous because blades operate at very high speeds. Only personnel who have been trained on proper use and handling should be allowed to operate this piece of equipment.
Ladder Safety (LS-92)
Ladders are involved in 81 percent of fall injuries among consultation workers and 20 percent of fall injuries among the general workforce.
Inspection of Forklifts and Powered Industrial Trucks (LS-94)
A general inspection is the first thing you should do before operating a forklift or other powered industrial trucks (PITs). Skimming over the inspection checklist could easily result in missing defects with the equipment, which could result in serious injury to the operator or other coworkers.
Electrical Safety (LS-98)
Protect yourself and others when working with electricity.
Respirator Seal Checks (LS-101)
Employees wearing tight fitting respirators should perform user checks each time a respirator is put on.
Excavation Safety (LS-106)
Know how to be safe in and around excavation sites.
Oxygen and Acetylene Cylinders (LS-108)
Safely welding with oxygen and acetylene cylinders.
Hazards Associated with Arc Welding (LS-111)
Learn to identify hazards before starting a welding job.
Pedestal and Bench Grinder Safety (LS-120)
General safety practices for operating a Pedestal/Bench Grinder to avoid serious workplace injuries.
OSHA Resources
We can assist you in making your workplace safer and help avoid costly penalties imposed by OSHA.
Samples of Safety Programs and Plans
OSHA Local and Regional Emphasis Programs
Programs that are priorities for Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Confined Space Program
This program has been developed in accordance with OSHA regulations 29 CFR 1910.146. The purpose of this program is to ensure that proper measures are taken for employees working in confined spaces.
Emergency Action Program
This program template helps ensure the protection of all employees in an emergency situation such as a tornado, hurricane, earthquake, severe storms, and more.
Exposure Control Plan
The Model Exposure Control Plan is intended to serve as an employer guide to OSHA's Blood-borne Pathogens Standard.
Fire-Prevention Plan
This plan helps reduce the likelihood of a fire through basic fire prevention techniques.
Hazard Communication Program
This program helps your business understand OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard and develop measures to protect workers from dangerous chemicals.
Electrical Hot Work Permit
This permit to be filled out and reviewed by team leader prior to start of work.
Hearing Conservation Program
A Hearing Conservation Program is required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for all workers whose noise exposures equal or exceed an action level of 85 decibels for an eight-hour day or a noise dose of 50 percent.
Energy Control Program
Use this template to help start a training procedure that will educate workers whose operations are or may be in an area where energy control procedures may be utilized.
Personal Protective Equipment Plan
This plan is necessary to comply with OSHA regulations (29 CFR 1910.132). The purpose of this plan is to ensure worker safety using personal protective equipment.
Respiratory Protection Program
Use this sample program to help write and implement your own Respiratory Protection Program in accordance with OSHA guidelines.
Voluntary Respiratory Protection Program
The purpose of this program is to ensure worker safety when voluntarily using a respirator (other than filtering facepieces i.e. disposable dust mask).
Access to Medical and Exposure Records
The policy template is designed to assist employers in complying with OSHA’s standard for Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records, 29 CFR 1910.1020.
OSHA Emphasis Industries and Hazards
The following are emphasized priorities for OSHA compliance. The On-Site Consultation Program can assist businesses in identifying and correcting hazards found in the workplace.
Emphasis Industries
- Nursing and Residential Care Facilities
- Residential Building Construction
- Commercial & Institutional Building Construction
- Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction
- Primary Metals Industries
- PSM Covered Chemical Facilities
- Ship breaking
Check out these videos. Be sure to subscribe to the Department's YouTube channel.
Featured Video
SHARP Awards - Playlist
A select number of businesses across Missouri have received an award from the department's Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP). This video playlist highlights a few of those businesses and details their commitment to safety in the workplace.
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