Fire-Prevention Plan

This sample Fire Prevention Plan is provided by the Missouri On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program.  In order to comply with OSHA’s standard for Fire Prevention, 29 CFR 1910.39, this written plan must be site specific.  Modify the template to reflect the policies and procedures at your company.  Since OSHA regulations set minimum requirements, you may choose to add additional information to your site specific program. There is no requirement to follow this sample and its use does not guarantee compliance with the OSHA standard.

To prepare your plan, follow these steps:

1. Read the Fire Prevention Standard 29 CFR 1910.39(link is external)

2. The following information may be useful in developing your program:


3. Follow the sample program in order, adding information specific to your worksite. Review the related sections of the standard as you work on each major program section.

4. For clarification or assistance, contact the Missouri On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program at 573-522-SAFE.


Fire Prevention Plan

(To customize, please complete and remove the highlighted areas of the program)

Date Created:

Date Reviewed:


1. Company Policy

This plan is designed to reduce the likelihood of a fire through basic fire prevention techniques. The personal safety of each employee of (Name of Company) is, and always will be, of primary importance.

2. Responsibility

(Name of person or job title) has the overall responsibility for the program, including reviewing and updating this program as necessary. This authority includes both determining personnel and equipment purchases necessary to implement and operate this plan.

The Fire Prevention Plan will include:

  • A list of all major fire hazards, proper handling, and storage procedures for hazardous materials, potential ignition sources and their control, and the type of fire protection equipment necessary to control each major hazard
  • Procedures to control accumulations of flammable and combustible waste materials
  • Procedures for regular maintenance of safeguards installed on heat-producing equipment to prevent the accidental ignition of combustible materials
  • The name or job title of employees responsible for maintaining equipment to prevent or control sources of ignition of fires
  • The name or job title of employees responsible for the control of fuel source hazards

3. Methods of Compliance

Refer to Appendix A for a list of major workplace fire hazards, their proper handling and storage procedures, potential ignition sources (i.e. welding, smoking, and forklifts), control procedures (i.e. Hot Work Permit, 1910.252), and the type of fire control equipment to be utilized.

Maintenance of Fire Control Equipment:

  • All fire extinguishers will be visually inspected monthly for signs of deterioration or discharge by (Name of person or job title)
  • Annual testing of fire control equipment will be conducted by (Name of Company)
  • Annual testing of fire control systems (i.e. sprinkler system, Halon system, or etc.) will be conducted by (Name of Company)

The following equipment used to detect ignition, control fuel sources, or detect fuel leaks will be maintained by the following employees: (Name of person(s) or job title) (i.e. temperature limit switches, flame failure and flashback arrester devices, or similar switches.)

(Name of person of job title) is responsible for maintaining fuel sources hazards. (i.e. combustible material, gasoline, flammable liquid storage, or etc.)

4. Housekeeping Procedures

In our facility, flammable and combustible materials are controlled so that they do not contribute to a fire emergency. Refer to Appendix D for specific housekeeping procedures.

To limit the risk of fires, employees shall take the following precautions:

  • Minimize the storage of combustible materials
  • Make sure that doors, hallways, stairs, and other exit routes are kept free of obstructions
  • Dispose of combustible waste in covered, airtight, metal containers
  • Use and store flammable materials in well-ventilated areas away from ignition sources
  • Use only nonflammable cleaning products
  • Keep incompatible (i.e., chemically reactive) substances away from each other
  • Perform “hot work” (i.e., welding or working with an open flame or other ignition sources) in controlled and well-ventilated areas
  • Keep equipment in good working order (i.e., inspect electrical wiring and appliances regularly and keep motors and machine tools free of dust and grease
  • Ensure that heating units are safeguarded
  • Report all gas leaks immediately. (Name of person or job title) shall ensure that all gas leaks are repaired immediately upon notification
  • Repair and clean up flammable liquid leaks immediately
  • Keep work areas free of dust, lint, sawdust, scraps, and similar material
  • Do not rely on extension cords if wiring improvements are needed, and take care not to overload circuits with multiple pieces of equipment
  • Ensure that required hot work permits are obtained
  • Turn off electrical equipment when not in use

5. Control of Combustible Materials

Smoking is prohibited in all (Name of Company) buildings. Certain outdoor areas may also be designated as no smoking areas. The areas in which smoking is prohibited outdoors are identified by NO SMOKING signs.

The storage of material shall be arranged such that adequate clearance is maintained away from heating surfaces, air ducts, heaters, flue pipes, and lighting fixtures. All storage containers or areas shall prominently display signs to identify the material stored within.

Storage of chemicals shall be separated from other materials in storage, from handling operations, and from incompatible materials. All individual containers shall be identified as to their contents.

Only containers designed, constructed and tested in accordance with the U. S. Department of Transportation specifications and regulations are used for storage of compressed or liquefied gases.

Piles of combustible materials shall be stored away from buildings and located apart from each other to allow firefighting efforts to control an existing fire.

6. Training and Information

(Name of person or job title) is responsible for training all employees covered under this plan. As part of our Fire Prevention Plan, we train all of our employees under the following circumstances:

  • At the time of initial assignment, and annually thereafter
  • Whenever new fire hazards are introduced into their work area
  • For any existing fire hazard when transferred to new work areas

Training topics include:

  • Potential fire hazards in their work area and the proper storage and/or handling procedures
  • General housekeeping procedures associated with fire prevention
  • Any specific housekeeping procedures for highly combustible or flammable materials in their work area


7. Maintenance

(Name of person or job title) will ensure that equipment is maintained according to manufacturers' specifications. Only properly trained individuals shall perform maintenance work.

The following equipment is subject to the maintenance, inspection, and testing procedures:

  • Equipment installed to detect fuel leaks, control heating, and control pressurized systems
  • Portable fire extinguishers, automatic sprinkler systems, and fixed extinguishing systems
  • Detection systems for smoke, heat or flame
  • Fire alarm systems
  • Emergency backup systems and the equipment they support




Appendix A

Major Workplace Fire Hazards



Ignition Sources

Handling Procedures

Storage Procedures

Control Procedures

Fire Control Equipment



















































































































































Appendix B

Heat Producing Equipment Maintenance Procedures




Maintenance Procedures




































Appendix C

Fire Extinguisher Systems

Portable fire extinguishers have been called "First Aid Fire Extinguishers." They contain a limited supply of an extinguishing agent that can be hand carried or moved on wheel carts. While portable extinguishers cannot be used as a substitute for fixed systems, they can provide an initial attack against fires.

In order to express the relative value of portable fire extinguishers, the Underwriters' Laboratories of the United States of America developed a classification system for fires which has been adopted by the National Fire Protection Association. See Appendix E for the classification of fires.

A knowledge of the correct use of portable fire extinguishers is essential for all personnel likely to be involved in the use of this equipment. Any fire prevention or protection program that does not include thorough training of personnel in this skill could easily result in a costly and disastrous fire. Not knowing how to use portable fire extinguishers may lead to confusion, clumsy application and ineffective results.

The following steps should be followed when responding to incipient stage fire:

  • Sound the fire alarm and call the fire department, if appropriate
  • Identify a safe evacuation path before approaching the fire. Do not allow the fire, heat, or smoke to come between you and your evacuation path
  • Select the appropriate type of fire extinguisher
  • Discharge the extinguisher within its effective range using the P.A.S.S. technique (pull, aim, squeeze, sweep)
  • Back away from an extinguished fire in case it flames up again
  • Evacuate immediately if the extinguisher is empty and the fire is not out
  • Evacuate immediately if the fire progresses beyond the incipient stage


Most fire extinguishers operate using the following P.A.S.S. technique:

1.PULL... Pull the pin. This will also break the tamper seal

2.AIM... Aim low, pointing the extinguisher nozzle (or its horn or hose) at the base of the fire

NOTE: Do not touch the plastic discharge horn on CO2 extinguishers, it gets very cold and may damage skin

3.SQUEEZE... Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent

4.SWEEP... Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until it appears to be out. Watch the area. If the fire re-ignites, repeat steps 2 - 4

If you have the slightest doubt about your ability to fight a fire...EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY!


Appendix D

Specific Housekeeping

Each facility has its own specific needs in this area. Below is an example of one area.)


Flammable Liquids

Flammable liquids do not by themselves cause fire, but they are dangerous because of their low flash points and low ignition temperatures. Some common precautions are:

  1. Avoid use of highly flammable liquids, where possible, by substituting a nontoxic and nonflammable or less flammable liquid in their place
  2. Keep flammable liquids in closed metal containers or safety cans, never in glass containers
  3. Limit the amount of flammable liquid in the work area to that needed for one shift
  4. Provide safe operating procedures, including local exhaust systems, for all processes
  5. Remove or control all ignition sources, such as static electricity, smoking, and open flames
  6. Provide for adequate clearances between flammable liquid containers or safety cans and any heat sources
  7. Provide adequate ventilation for all operations involving the use or storage of flammable liquids
  8. Store large amounts of flammable liquids in a separate fire resistive building or vault which conforms to the recognized standards. Storage tanks should be properly vented and placed in diked areas, and supported by masonry or poured concrete supports
  9. Provide suitable gas free testing equipment and personal protective equipment for the safe operating procedures in cleaning and repairing tanks
  10. Provide for the safe disposal of flammable liquid waste; e.g. by burning the waste at an isolated safe location. Never dump flammable liquid waste into sewers
  11. Anticipate flammable liquid spills and provide means to control and limit spillage, as well as suitable absorptive material for use in cleaning up spills
  12. Always use and handle flammable liquids with extreme caution, no matter how familiar they are to you



Appendix E

Classes, Causes, and Detection of Fires


The National Fire Protection Association of the United States of America has four classifications of fires. They are listed below.

Class "A" Fires. Class "A" fires involve ordinary combustible solids and constitute the greatest bulk of property destroyed by fire annually. This class of fire is sometimes referred to as "surface burning fires." Some examples are; wood, paper, clothing, plastics, wax, etc.

Class "B" Fires. Class "B" fires involve gases, greases, flammable and combustible liquids. Some examples are; gasoline, kerosene, alcohol, cooking oil, lubricating oils, etc.

Class "C" Fires. Class "C" fires are involve (or are near) "live" electrical equipment. Some examples are; transformers, electrical junction boxes, switch boxes, electrical wires, electrical motor, etc. A non-conducting extinguishing method must be used on this type of fire, DO NOT USE WATER!

Class "D" Fires. Class "D" fires involve combustible metals which require special fire tactics and extinguishing agents. Some examples are; magnesium, potassium, powdered aluminum, zinc, sodium, titanium, and others.

Class "K" Fires. Class "K" fires involve higher heating rates of vegetable oils in commercial cooking appliances. Extinguishing agents in many Class K extinguishers are electrically conductive and should only be used after electrical power to the kitchen appliance has been shut off. Class K extinguishers use a variety of agents. Potassium bicarbonate is used in some Class K dry chemical extinguishers, and there are also Class K wet chemical extinguishers which spray a fine mist.


Except for explosions and flash fires, most fires start small. In the early stages of a fire, extinguishment would seldom present a problem, but as the fire spreads and gains headway, it may develop into a conflagration. Prompt detection and signaling a fire alarm is of prime importance to warn all persons inside the building to evacuate and to summon fire-fighters. Early detection with proper procedures usually means early extinguishment, which means minimal losses. A fire detection and alarm system is one of the best investments a facility can make.



Appendix F

Training Form



Training Performed By:


Employee Name

Employee Signature

Training Date