Do you have questions about the paid sick time benefits established by Proposition A?
Get answers to frequently asked questions by visiting Proposition A - Paid Sick Time Benefits - FAQs.
Unemployment Tax
Workers' Compensation
Helpful Information
Unemployment Tax
New Unemployment Tax Account
Register your new business for unemployment tax with the state’s online registration.
Shared Work Program
This program is an alternative to layoffs for employers faced with a reduction in available work.
Report New Hires
Missouri provides employers with an easy, fast, cost effective way to meet reporting requirements for newly hired employees.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question? Check out our most frequently asked questions to find your answer.
Mass Claims
The Electronic Mass Claims Filing System is designed to assist employers and their employees during a temporary shutdown or permanent closure.
UI Tax Contact Info
Find unemployment tax contacts, sorted by a range of relevant topics.
Report Quarterly Contributions
Employers must report workers’ wages each quarter to determine monetary benefits if a worker files an unemployment claim.
Guide for New Employers
Get your business started with the basic steps in our quick guide for new employers.
Pay by Credit Card
You can pay unemployment taxes, interest, penalties, and any other outstanding balance online using a major credit card.
Information for Employers
Learn more about employer liability for unemployment taxes.
A-Z Index
Search for unemployment information by topic using an alphabetical index.
Protest Unemployment Benefits
If you believe your employee should be ineligible for benefits, you may protest the benefit claim.
Respond to Information Requests
Employers can easily respond unemployment information requests online by using the State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES).
File an Appeal
If you disagree with the determination for an employee’s unemployment benefits, you may file an appeal.
Request Work Search Waiver
Request work search waivers for employees while they are on an extended layoff period.
Workers' Compensation
Calculate your Rates
Use this calculator to find the lowest workers’ compensation rates available for your class code.
Dispute Management
Mediate and resolve disputes that arise after a workplace injury occurs by using the Dispute Management Program.
Injury Reporting Responsibilities
Review employer responsibilities when reporting an employee injury on the job.
Online Injury Report Filing
You must file a First Report of Injury with the Division within 30 days from knowledge of an employee injury.
Docket Locations
Use this map to find the address, phone number, and directions to your Docket location.
Second Injury Fund
The Fund compensates injured workers when a current work-related injury combines with a prior disability to create an increased combined disability.
Electronic Injury Reporting
There are three cost-effective ways to electronically file First Reports of Injury with the Division.
Industry/Religious Exemptions
Persons employed in certain types of occupations are exempt from workers’ compensation coverage.
Workers' Safety Program
The Missouri Workers’ Safety Program was created to help employers improve workplace safety and reduce their workers’ compensation insurance costs.
Mine and Cave Safety Program
The Missouri Mine Safety and Health Training Program is designed to help miners and the mining community reduce accidents through education, training, hazard elimination, and assistance provided to miners in accordance with Missouri state laws and regulations and the Federal Mine Act of 1977.
On-Site Program
The Division of Labor Standards’ On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program can assist you in making your workplace safer and help avoid costly penalties imposed by OSHA. The service is designed for small employers (less than 250 employees on-site, no more than 500 employees nationwide) in high hazard industries.
The Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) is an exemplary program available for small employers with fewer than 250 employees on-site and fewer than 500 employees nationwide who participate in the Missouri On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program.
Required Safety Training
The Construction Safety Training Act, Section 292.675 RSMo, requires all contractors and subcontractors who enter into contracts with public bodies for construction of public works to train their on-site employees regarding the potential hazards they may encounter.
Safe at Work
The Safe at Work program provides data and resources to help identify why, when and how workplace injuries and fatalities occur.
Toolbox Talks/Safety Zone
Click this topic to sign up for regular updates from the department through the Toolbox Talks resource and the Safety Zone newsletter.
Helpful Information
Economic Resource Guide
We are partnering with companies and workers to lower costs, mitigate risk, and create healthy working environments.
Minimum Wage
View current and past minimum wage, wages for tipped employees, minimum wage posters, penalties, and records retention.
Learn what qualifies as discrimination in housing, employment, and places of public accommodation according to the Missouri Human Rights Act.
Report Fraud
Our Department aggressively investigates all fraud tips and complaints submitted to our office.
Public Works Guidebook
Assistance in complying with the laws surrounding public works projects, checklist for contractors, required forms, and more.
Prevailing Wage
Learn more about the wage rate that must be paid to workers on public works construction projects in Missouri.
Training Opportunities
Sign up for seminars and training for your business or organization to help better understand Missouri’s labor laws.
MO Heroes Connect
Consider hiring a veteran for your job openings. Connect with Missouri Veterans looking for employment.
Hazard Lab
Identify real hazards found on real worksites - request the Hazard Lab for your next conference.
Required Workplace Posters
Find posters that are required by the state and federal governments to be displayed in the workplace.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question? Check out our most frequently asked questions to find your answer.