Fraud and Noncompliance Referral Form (WC-258)


General guidelines: Employers with five or more employees are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance with the exception of the construction industry, which requires employers with one or more employees to carry workers’ compensation insurance. For more information, please call 800-592-6003 or visit to read more about employers’ responsibilities and liability for coverage. 

Instructions: Please complete the required fields for the Fraud and Noncompliance Unit to conduct an investigation. 

Missouri Department of Labor
& Industrial Relations
Division of Workers Compensation

PO. Box 1009
Jefferson City, MO
Phone: 573-751-3403 sends email)

Click here to download
a PDF version of this form.



Employer Information

Type of Business

Description of the Alleged Violation

Contact Information

Please provide your contact information. As our investigation progresses, we may need to contact the person filing the complaint to obtain more details. If you choose to remain anonymous, it will not be possible for us to notify you of the outcome of the investigation.