Mainframe Decommissioning Saves the State of Missouri Thousands of Dollars

JEFFERSON CITY - Thanks to the partnership between the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DOLIR) and the Office of Administration Information Technology Services Division (OA-ITSD), hundreds of thousands of dollars are being saved through the decommissioning of a storage mainframe. The mainframe, a housing unit for DOLIR’s electronic files and software applications decreased in cost from $25,500 a month in 2016 to $350 a month in 2019.

Modernization efforts made by DOLIR’s Divisions of Employment Security and Administration allowed for many of the functions and reports once run on the mainframe to be shut-off completely. These efforts lowered the monthly cost of running the mainframe to $19,000 in 2017. Deleting unused files and removing back-ups in 2018 significantly decreased the cost by nearly $16,000 a month. The mainframe is currently being utilized for a few DOLIR Administration applications awaiting modernization and two large backup files that will be deleted once appropriate data storage is verified.

At the completion of the project, the mainframe will cost approximately $4,200 a year. This is a cost savings of almost $302,000 annually. “Through modernization efforts, we were able to offer more convenient services to our customers, while saving thousands of dollars for the state. I appreciate the significant improvements and cost-savings the team members accomplished on this initiative,” stated DOLIR Director Anna Hui.

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Communications Staff

Department of Labor and Industrial Relations