Workplace and Sexual Harassment Laws and Prevention


When does joking, simple teasing, or horseplay cross the line of acceptable workplace behavior? When does a personality conflict transform into harassment? This training provides an overview of the various types of possible workplace harassment – whether based on sex, disability, age, race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, association, and/or retaliation. Participants will learn what constitutes illegal workplace harassment, what does not, and gain a better understanding of workers' rights and responsibilities for responding to harassing behavior.


What is sexual harassment? When does it create an unlawful, hostile environment? This training updates participants on new developments in sexual harassment law, gives practical examples of sexually harassing behavior through real case scenarios, offers guidance for both complainants and respondents, and shares best practices for investigating and preventing sexual harassment.

There is a fee for this training. Training fee per person is as follows:

People Private Government
1-50 $40 $35
51-100 $35 $30
More than 100 $30 $25

Duration- 1 to 1.5 hours   Sign Up!