Prevailing Wage

What is the prevailing wage?

The prevailing wage is the minimum wage amount that workers on Missouri public works construction projects above $75,000 must be paid. It is required by law and determined through surveys conducted by the Division of Labor Standards as to the number of actual hours worked at each wage rate paid to workers in each particular occupational title (classification/trade).

Is there a minimum dollar amount before a project is considered a public works project?

Missouri's Prevailing Wage Law establishes a minimum wage rate for public works projects in Missouri valued over $75,000. Examples of public works projects include bridges, roads and government buildings. The law applies to all public works projects constructed by or on behalf of state and local public bodies.

What is the "Public Works Contracting Minimum Wage"?

The Public Works Contracting Minimum Wage (PWCMW) is used instead of the prevailing wage in counties where fewer than 1,000 hours are reported for a particular occupational title. 

The PWCMW is calculated by multiplying the average  wage rate in each county by 120%. This average wage rate for each county is computed annually by the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC)(link is external), part of the Missouri Department of Economic Development (DED).