MCHR (Human Rights) Training Institute

MCHR staff offer in-person and virtual presentations on a variety of human rights related topics. The presentations are fee-based to help provide an additional funding stream for MCHR’s outreach. Businesses and organizations alike can benefit from learning about the Missouri Human Rights Act (MHRA). The MHRA overview can provide a great foundation for other presentations, including those on discrimination, public accommodations, housing and disability awareness.

The presentations offered are available for the following per-person cost:










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Explains the fair employment, housing, and public accommodations rights and responsibilities under the Missouri Human Rights Act and details the administrative complaint process from intake through public hearing.

Offers participants an overview of the most recent legislation and court decisions affecting state and federal anti-discrimination laws.

Designed to provide participants with a practical understanding of the requirements of the equal opportunity employment laws, including those pertaining to sex, disability, age, race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, association, and retaliation.
Offers practical procedures for investigating discrimination complaints and includes recommended ways to protect principal parties, interview witnesses, and take appropriate responsive action. Requests for this presentation can be tailored to discrimination complaints in employment, housing, and/or public accommodations or for local human rights organizations.

Provides an overview of workplace harassment – whether based on sex, disability, age, race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, association, and/or retaliation. Learn what constitutes illegal workplace harassment, what does not, and gain a better understanding of workers' rights and responsibilities for responding to harassing behavior. Educates on new developments in sexual harassment law, gives practical examples of sexually harassing behavior through real case scenarios, offers guidance for both complainants and respondents, and shares best practices for investigating and preventing sexual harassment.

Focusing on requirements of fair housing laws pertaining to discrimination based on sex, disability, familial status, race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, association, and retaliation. Also discusses issues such as accessibility and reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities, the requirements for providing housing choice to families with children, and best practices for housing professionals, such as realtors, property managers, and lenders, to comply with fair housing laws.
Discusses anti-discrimination laws in places of public accommodations and provides guidance on the non-discriminatory provision of advantages, facilities, services, or privileges, such as accessibility and equal access to all facilities open to the public.
Discusses ways to overcome resistance to change and inclusion, foster openness in your organization, and eliminate profiling and stereotypes in the workplace that can lead to a discriminatory and illegal workplace environment. Also exposes problems caused by stereotypical thinking and biased behaviors.
Participants will better understand people with disabilities and ways to ensure a positive and productive environment. Discussion will include ways to remove unnecessary barriers and stereotypes.
Explains implicit bias and offers practices for identifying and reducing it to foster greater openness in your organization and maximize performance.
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(i.e.: employees, managers, organization, human resources, public bodies, contractors/subcontractors, other)
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