The Labor and Industrial Relations Commission (Labor Commission) hears appeals from Appeals Tribunal decisions in unemployment insurance matters.

Filing an Appeal from a Decision of an Appeals Tribunal Referee
A party aggrieved by a decision issued by an Appeals Tribunal referee may ask the Labor Commission to review the decision by filing an application for review within 30 days following the date of mailing or notification of the Appeals Tribunal's decision. An application for review must be filed in writing with the Appeals Tribunal or the Labor Commission. A party may apply for review by letter or by using the Labor Commission’s Application for Review form (revised Aug. 2011).
Filing an Appeal of the Labor Commission’s Decision
The Labor Commission's decision becomes final 10 days after it is issued. A party aggrieved by the Labor Commission’s decision may appeal the decision to the Missouri Court of Appeals by filing a notice of appeal with the Labor Commission within 20 days after the Labor Commission's decision becomes final. The appeal must be filed on Form 8-B, Notice of Appeal (Fillable and Printable) (revised Apr. 2005) and mailed to the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission, P.O. Box 599, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0599 or faxed to (573) 751-7806. There are instructions for completing the Form 8-B (revised Apr. 2005). A docket fee of $70 must accompany a Notice of Appeal filed by an employer. A check for the docket fee of $70 should be made payable to the clerk of the appropriate appellate court. Claimants are not required to pay the docket fee.
It is the responsibility of the appealing party to designate in which district of the Missouri Court of Appeals the appeal is being filed. The jurisdiction for all matters not involving a claimant and all matters involving out-of-state claimants is in the Missouri Court of Appeals, Western District. The jurisdiction for all other matters is in the district of the court of appeals having jurisdiction in the county of the claimant's residence. For a list of the counties within the jurisdiction of each district of the court of appeals, see the Eastern District, Southern District and Western District.
Special Rule for Eastern District Appeals
The Labor and Industrial Relations Commission Case Information Form must be completed and returned with the Notice of Appeal if the appeal is to the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District.
IMPORTANT: If you are an employer, other than a sole proprietor, you must have an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Missouri file the Form 8-B on your behalf, pursuant to the rules of the Supreme Court of Missouri. The form was promulgated by the Supreme Court and is governed by Supreme Court Rule 100.02.
NOTE: The filing of the Form 8-B, Notice of Appeal, initiates a civil appeal in the Missouri Court of Appeals. Matters pending before the Court are generally public records. Contact the appropriate division of the Court of Appeals if you have questions or concerns about public access to case information.
For more information about unemployment insurance claims, please visit the Unemployment Center.