Information regarding the Missouri Second Injury Fund.


A notice of commencement/termination of compensation to be filled out by a self-insured/self-administered employer, insurance company, or third party administrator.


A notice of commencement/termination of compensation to be filled out by a self-insured/self-administered employer, insurance company, or third party administrator.


A form used by employers to notify the Department of their election to become a member of a group insurance pool pursuant to 287.200.4(3)(a), RSMo


General information and procedural instructions on how to participate in a telephone hearing conducted by the Division of Employment Security's Appeals Tribunal.


A poster to be hung in a workplace notifying employees about unemployment benefits.


Information about how to obtain unemployment records and their cost for claimants, employers and other interested parties.


Give your safety program the boost it needs. Learn how to develop a fully functioning safety and health management program.

Facts on prescription opioids and heroin

Datos básicos y los procedimientos para la presentación del seguro de desempleo.


A form authorizing power of attorney to a business representative.


A complaint form regarding Missouri prevailing wage. File online today!

Analyzing 2018 workplace injuries in the Public Administration sector.

An employer (\"lessor\") leasing workers to other businesses (\"clients\") uses the Quarterly Client List to inform the Division of new and former clients. The Division uses the form to maintain responsibility for unemployment tax filing. The Quarterly Client List must be filed by the lessor each quarter per Missouri labor regulations.


Employers use the Quarterly Contribution and Wage Report to report wages of their employees to the Division of Employment Security. Each liable employer is required to file this report each quarter even if it has paid no wages that quarter or if its assigned tax rate is zero.


A form to be completed by the insurance company or third party administrator in the event of worker injury or death.


A form for an reporting an injured worked that may qualify as a serious injury

Report worker misclassification/1099 abuse.

A request by an employer or insurer for an award on undisputed facts in regard to application for payment of additional reimbursement of medical fees on the ground that the Application was not filed within the limitation period set forth in §287.140.4, RSMo, or that the charges were paid in full or any ground that negates liability for payment.


Request to DWC for a pre-hearing regarding workers compensation claim.


A form to request a wage determination according to Chapter 290 RSMo.


A resource guide for employers containing information about unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, wage and hour standards, discrimination, FMLA, youth employment laws, mine and cave safety, and federal requirements.

Analyzing 2018 workplace injuries in the Retail Trade sector.

Cartel para colgar en el lugar de trabajo a Missouri salario mínimo.


This brochure is to inform employers who are or want to be self-insured for workers' compensation liability through trusts (a way employers that are usually within the same industry or members of the same association can pool their liabilities with other employers).


Information regarding the Shared Work Program relating to employers and employees.


A list to be completed by employees naming their exclusive bargaining representative.


Proof of initial, renewal, or changes to specific and aggregate Missouri only excess insurance coverage.


A brochure outlining the benefits provided by the Missouri Workers’ Compensation Law in the event of a compensable fatal accident or fatal occupational disease.

Carbon Monoxide poisoning can be almost impossible to detect because the gas is colorless, odorless and tasteless. Knowing the dangers of Carbon Monoxide, how to prevent exposure and what to do if you see someone showing symptoms of poisoning is important in keeping you and your coworkers safe.
Chainsaws are a valuable resource and can be used both in the workplace and at home. However, if not used correctly, this tool can quickly cause severe injuries or can even be fatal. That’s why it’s vital for users to read the chainsaw manual for proper operating instructions and to take steps to protect themselves.
Cold Stress occurs by driving down the skin temperature and eventually the internal body temperature. This may lead to serious health problems. Learn how to identify and prevent cold stress.
Cut-off saws are frequently used in the Construction industry and can be extremely dangerous because unguarded blades operate at very high speeds. Only personnel who have been trained on proper use and handling should be allowed to operate this specialized piece of equipment.
Learn about the electrical safety precautions and how to protect yourself and others when working with electricity.
Every year, eye injuries account for more than $3 million in lost production, medical and workers' compensation costs. OSHA estimates 90% of these eye injuries are avoidable with proper use of safety eye-wear.
While commonly used across every industry and workplace, extension cords can present several hazards if not used correctly. You can help prevent dangers such as electrocution, fire and tripping hazards with proper safety practices.
Fatigue is more than simply feeling tired or drowsy. It is a state of mental or physical exhaustion that stops a person from being able to function normally. Learn about the risks and what you can do to fight fatigue.

Learn to identify hazards before starting a welding job.

Everyone wants to believe that they would know exactly what to do in case of an emergency. Learn how set up an Emergency Action Plan so employees will know what to do in an emergency.

A general inspection is the first thing you should do before operating a forklift or other powered industrial trucks (PITs). Skimming over the inspection checklist could easily result in missing defects with the equipment, which could result in serious injury to the operator or other coworkers.


Ladders are involved in 81 percent of fall injuries among consultation workers and 20 percent of fall injuries among the general workforce.

Poor posture, loss of flexibility, stress, bad working habits and a decline in physical fitness can contribute to back problems. It is vital to your health to practice safe habits in these areas as well as correct lifting techniques to reduce the risk of back injuries.

When it comes to electrical safety, there is no room for carelessness or complacency. Nearly every work site has power lines to be aware of and equipment that could make contact with them. That’s why it’s vital to your safety to know proper power line safety practices.

Pinch points can cause serious injuries, including amputation or even death. They can occur on any part of the body when caught between two objects.

Reduce the risk of addiction to prescription opioids.

Most of us associate heat stress with working outdoors but it can also occur while working indoors. If you do not take the right precautions when working in hot conditions, you can develop heat-related illnesses.
Employees wearing tight fitting respirators should perform user seal checks each time a respirator is put on. Learn how to perform user seal checks.
Safety Data Sheets include information such as the properties of each chemical at a workplace; the physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and safety precautions for handling, storing and transporting the chemical.
Keeping Missouri youth safe on the job. We can all help to keep young workers safe.

A petition for review by the LIRC of a decision made by a workers compensation administrative law judge.


Tramite su petición por Internet en cualquier momento.


The Transferred Consumer Registration is a form used by Consumer Direct Service(CDS) Providers to register program participants (consumers) that have been previously registered by different CDS Provider.

Analyzing 2018 workplace injuries in the Transportation and Warehousing sector.

A report to be completed annually by a self-insured group trust.


A notice of appeal to the Missouri Court of Appeals.


The Division uses the Unemployment Tax Registration to determine whether an entity is liable for unemployment tax as a new or successor employer. The form must be completed even if the entity is not liable so that the Division can follow up at a time when liability may have been achieved or eliminate the entity from further follow-ups.


A form to verify rehabilitation treatment


Los empleados que son victimas de violencia domestica o sexual o que tienen un miembro de la familia o del hogar que es victima de violencia domestica o sexual, pueden tomar un permiso sin goce de sueldo para ausentarse del trabajo y atender el problema de violencia.


Employees who are victims of domestic or sexual violence, or have a family or household member who is a victim of domestic or sexual violence, may take unpaid leave from work.