Updates - Work Comp Connect

Work Comp Connect - Creating a world-class workers' compensation system


2024 - 3rd Quarter

The Modernization project is proceeding well, and development and early testing of the WCC system is in full swing. Thus far, we have developed and tested functionality for aspects of the Self-Service Portal, Case Management, and Enterprise Functions. This includes functionality for claimants, attorneys, and other external stakeholders to search for cases, file a claim for compensation, answer a claim for compensation, and file an entry of appearance, etc. Functionality for entering orders and awards and the appeals process is currently under design. Work is underway on master data management, which will result in higher data accuracy on injured workers, attorneys, employers, and insurers. In addition, the team is developing transformation rules to bring data in the current system in alignment with IAIABC’s EDI 3.1 standard, which will also help to greatly improve the quality of data and to enhance the reporting capabilities.

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