This report, as required by §287.680 RSMo, briefly describes each of the programs and units with the Division of Workers' Compensation and summarizes the transactions and proceedings undertaken for the year 2016.

This report, as required by §287.680 RSMo, briefly describes each of the programs and units with the Division of Workers' Compensation and summarizes the transactions and proceedings undertaken for the year 2017.

Directory of Missouri Docket locations and addresses.

Analyzing 2018 workplace injuries in the Educational Services sector.

A form outlining eligibility guidelines for the Second Injury Fund.


An employer uses the Employer Change Request to inform the Division when it has sold all or part of its business, closed its business, stopped employing workers, or changed its name or address. The Division evaluates the information from the form to determine whether the employer's account should be updated, closed, transferred, or left unchanged.


This is the form for employers to appeal an unemployment insurance determination regarding a former employee.


A poster required to be hung in a workplace containing employees under the age of 16.


A booklet outlining employers' rights and responsibilities under Missouri Employment Security law.


An entertainment work permit for youth under 16 years of age.


Fill out this form if you think you have been subjected to discrimination under a WIA Title I - financially assisted program or activity within the Department. Fill out online.


A brochure outlining facts for injured workers regarding workers’ compensation in Missouri.


In this informational brochure find out about your fair housing rights.


A guide on the fair housing rights and responsibilities of homeowners, landlords, and those looking to purchase or rent a home or apartment.


Discrimination in housing rental, sales, and lending is prohibited by state and federal laws. This brochure details the fair housing protections offered specifically to persons with disabilities and families (households with a child under the age of 18).


U ovoj informativnoj brošuri saznajte o vašim pravičnim stanarskim pravima.


Learn about the laws the protect you from discrimination in the workplace, in a place of public accommodation, or while buying or renting a house or apartment and what to do if you have been a victim of discrimination.


Basic facts and procedures for filing for unemployment insurance.


Use this form to report occupational fatality to the Department of Labor for the Missouri Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.


An appeal filed to the Missouri Court of Appeals.


Rellena este formulario si cree que ha estado sujeto a discriminación bajo el Título I de WIA - programa o actividad financiados dentro del Departamento.


Wage rates for state highway construction.


Wage rates for state highway construction.


Wage rates for state highway construction.



  • Annual Wage Order No. 28 is in effect and can be viewed here. The Labor and Industrial Relations Commission has issued Orders resolving all objections filed to Annual Wage Order No. 28. Therefore, Annual Wage Order No. 28 is now final and in effect as of May 12, 2021.

  • The state minimum wage for 2021 is $10.30/hr. Click here for more information.


Wage rates for state highway construction.


Wage rates for state highway construction.


Wage rates for state highway construction. (FOR REVIEW ONLY)


Wage rates for state highway construction.


A form used to report a group trust members name and/or address change.

Analyzing 2018 workplace injuries in the Health Care and Social Assistance sector.

This form provides employers with guidance and tips on how to file a Shared Work weekly certification or weekly claim.


A sample indemnity agreement that may be used as a reference when forming a new group trust.


Lo que necesita saber sobre el Seguro por Desempleo de Missouri. Aspectos básicos del seguro de desempleo, información de contacto para DES y una lista de centros profesionales.


Information about the RTAA Program (MODES-4640-R) Information for Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA) and a form to request a claim for RTAA..


What you need to know about Unemployment Insurance in Missouri. Basics of unemployment insurance after a claim is filed, contact information for DES and a list of career centers.


Instructions on how to complete the MODES-4-7.


Instructions on how to complete LS-57.


Instructions for completing unemployment tax registration, MODES-2699.


Instructions on how to complete Unemployment Insurance Notice of Appeal (MODES-8-B)


An Irrevocable Letter of Credit; one of three options available to meet the self-insurance security requirement.  Must be accompanied by the Authorization for Release of Confidential Information (WC-249-3)


Un recurso para ayudar a entender las leyes relativas a los jóvenes en la fuerza laboral.


A brochure covering discrimination education and training offered by MCHR.


Cada empleador, organización laboral, bolsa de trabajo, o cualquier otro establecimiento comercial o cubiertas por el Capítulo 213, RSMo colocará cartel empleo igual de la Comisión en un lugar donde se publican los avisos de los empleados o en un lugar visible para los empleados tendrán acceso a ella. Requerido por la Ley del Estado de Missouri.


El Reglamento de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Missouri requieren los empleadores en el negocio de la venta o alquiler de la vivienda para publicar MCHR-6 Discriminación en la Vivienda.


El Reglamento de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Missouri requieren los empleadores que hacen negocios en lugares abiertos al público para publicar MCHR-7 La discriminación en lugares públicos.


Información de los trabajadores acerca de la indemnización de los trabajadores; requerida en el lugar de trabajo.


Información de los trabajadores acerca de la indemnización de los trabajadores; requerida en el lugar de trabajo.

Analyzing 2018 workplace injuries in the Manufacturing sector.

A form to be completed by a physician when treating a worker involved in a workers' compensation claim.


A form used by Division authorized self-insured employers and group trust members to notify the Department of their mesothelioma liability election


Missouri law allows spouses of active or reserve military personnel to be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits if leaving their job to relocate to be with their spouse.


A complaint form regarding Missouri minimum wage. File online today!


A form to record contractor payment records on public works projects.

(NOTE: For best results, download the form and fill out using Adobe Reader instead of completing the form in the browser.)

Information about services provided by the Missouri Mine and Cave Safety and Health Program.

Missouri mine inspection laws and regulations


Poster to be hung in workplace regarding Missouri minimum wage.


Information series regarding a no-cost confidential service for employers to help achieve OSHA compliance and increase workplace safety.


The Missouri Workers' Safety Program helps businesses improve workplace safety and reduce workers' compensation insurance costs.  The brochure is a brief overview of the program and what they offer.