Prevailing Wage Decisions

The Labor and Industrial Relations Commission reviews awards and decisions in cases involving workers' compensation, crime victim's compensation, unemployment contributions and unemployment benefit claims. It also conducts hearings on objections to prevailing wage determinations issued by the Division of Labor Standards.

2024 Decisions

As of April 17, 2024 no timely Objection to Annual Wage Order No. 31 has been filed with the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission; all pending matters have been resolved.


The Division of Labor Standards (DLS) has notified the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission (Commission) that Annual Wage Order No. 31 (AWO 31) filed with the Secretary of State on March 8, 2024, contains clerical errors regarding multiple occupational titles across multiple counties.  DLS has filed a Motion to Amend AWO 31 to correct the clerical errors identified since the filing of AWO 31.  The Motion to Amend is posted below.  Subject to consideration of objections to the Motion to Amend, the Commission intends to approve the Motion to Amend.

All interested parties are advised to review the changes proposed by the Motion to Amend in conjunction with their review of the AWO 31 filed March 8, 2024.

Parties who have already completed their review of AWO 31 are strongly advised to review AWO 31 again in conjunction with the Motion to Amend.

In accordance with 8 CSR 20-5.010(6)(B), “the commission will wait a minimum of ten (10) days before ruling upon said motion, to permit interested parties a chance to respond.”

2023 Decisions


As of June 27, 2023, all Objections to Annual Wage Order No. 30 which had been filed with the Labor & Industrial Relations Commission have been resolved.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  The Division of Labor Standards (DLS) has notified the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission (Commission) that Annual Wage Order No. 30 (AWO 30) filed with the Secretary of State on March 10, 2023, contains clerical errors regarding multiple occupational titles across multiple counties.  DLS has filed a Motion to Amend AWO 30 to correct the clerical errors identified since the filing of AWO 30.  The Motion to Amend is posted below.  Subject to consideration of objections to the Motion to Amend, the Commission intends to approve the Motion to Amend.

All interested parties are advised to review the changes proposed by the Motion to Amend in conjunction with their review of AWO 30 filed March 10, 2023.

Parties who have already completed their review of AWO 30 are strongly advised to review AWO 30 again in conjunction with the Motion to Amend.

In accordance with 8 CSR 20-5.010(6)(B), “the commission will wait a minimum of ten (10) days before ruling upon said motion, to permit interested parties a chance to respond.”

2022 Decisions

As of June 13, 2022, all Objections to Annual Wage Order No. 29 which had been filed with the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission have been resolved. 

The scheduled May 25, 2022, hearing for these objections is hereby cancelled.  

NOTICE  PRE-HEARING DATE CHANGE:  The prehearings for all objections will be held at 11:00 a.m., May 17, 2022.  The hearings for all objections will be held at 9:00 a.m., May 25, 2022. All prehearings and hearings will be conducted at the office of the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, 3315 West Truman Boulevard, Jefferson City, Missouri.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  The Division of Labor Standards (DLS) has notified the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission (Commission) that Annual Wage Order No. 29 (AWO 29) filed with the Secretary of State on March 10, 2022, contains erroneous wage rate information for multiple occupational titles for Lafayette County, Missouri.  DLS has filed a Motion to Amend AWO 29 to correct the erroneous information and to correct typographical errors identified since the filing of AWO 29.  The Motion to Amend is posted below.  Subject to consideration of objections to the Motion to Amend, the Commission intends to approve the Motion to Amend.

All interested parties are advised to review the changes proposed by the Motion to Amend in conjunction with their review of the AWO 29 filed March 10, 2022.

Parties who have already completed their review of AWO 29 are strongly advised to review AWO 29 again in conjunction with the Motion to Amend.

In accordance with 8 CSR 20-5.010(6)(B), “the commission will wait a minimum of ten (10) days before ruling upon said motion, to permit interested parties a chance to respond.

2021 Decisions

As of May 12, 2021, all Objections to Annual Wage Order No. 28 which had been filed with the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission have been resolved. 

The scheduled May 18, 2021, hearing for these objections is hereby canceled.

The prehearings for all objections will be held at 1:00 p.m., May 11, 2021. The hearings for all objections will be held at 10:00 a.m., May 18, 2021. All prehearings and hearings will be conducted at the office of the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, 3315 West Truman Boulevard, Jefferson City, Missouri.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  The Division of Labor Standards (DLS) has notified the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission (Commission) that Annual Wage Order No. 28 (AWO 28) filed with the Secretary of State on March 10, 2021, contains typographical errors regarding multiple occupational titles across multiple counties.  DLS has filed an Amended Motion to Amend AWO 28 to correct the typographical errors identified since the filing of AWO 28.  The Amended Motion to Amend is posted below.  Subject to consideration of any objections to the Amended Motion to Amend, the Commission intends to approve the Amended Motion to Amend.

All interested parties are advised to review the changes proposed by the Amended Motion to Amend in conjunction with their review of the AWO 28 filed March 10, 2021.

****Parties who have already completed their review of AWO 28 are strongly advised to review AWO 28 again in conjunction with the Amended Motion to Amend.

In accordance with 8 CSR 20-5.010(6)(B), “the commission will wait a minimum of ten (10) days before ruling upon said motion, to permit interested parties a chance to respond.” 

2020 Decisions


All interested parties are hereby advised that the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission has amended its rule pertaining to prevailing wage objections and hearing.

Effective February 29, 2020, Commission Rule 8 CSR 20-5.010 sets forth, among other things, new requirements for objections involving hours not previously reported to the Division of Labor Standards before January 31; new requirements pertaining to the exchange of evidence prior to the prehearing conference; and new provisions related to motions to amend.

All interested parties are strongly encouraged to review the amended rule in its entirety before filing objections, motions, or other requests with the Commission.

AWO No. 27 is in effect.  Please note that AWO No. 27 is the subject of current litigation pending in the Circuit Court of Cole County (Glaziers, Architectural Metal, and Glass Workers Union Local Union 513 v. State Of Missouri, et al., Case No. 20AC-CC00184).    

On May 20, 2020, the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission filed copies of all final determinations in connection with AWO 27 with the Missouri Secretary of State’s Office.  On June 1, 2020, the Division of Labor Standards filed with the Commission a Motion to Revise Annual Wage Order No. 27 to Correct a Scrivener’s Error with Suggestions in Support (Motion to Revise).  On June 18, 2020, the Commission issued its order granting the Motion to Revise.

2019 Decisions


The Division of Labor Standards (DLS) has notified the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission (Commission) that Annual Wage Order No. 26 (AWO 26) filed with the Secretary of State on March 8, 2019, contains erroneous wage rate information for multiple occupational titles across multiple counties.  DLS has filed a Motion to Amend AWO 26 to correct the erroneous information and to correct typographical errors identified since the filing of AWO 26.  The Motion to Amend is posted below.  Subject to consideration of objections to the Motion to Amend, the Commission intends to approve the Motion to Amend.

All interested parties are advised to review the changes proposed by the Motion to Amend in conjunction with their review of the AWO 26 filed March 8, 2019.

Parties who have already completed their review of AWO 26 are strongly advised to review AWO 26 again in conjunction with the Motion to Amend.

  • Motion to Amend Annual Wage Order No. 26
  • Obj. No. 001 to Annual Wage Order No. 26 to wage rate for the occupational title of Ironworker in Pike County, Missouri
  • Obj. No. 002 to Annual Wage Order No. 26 to wage rate for the occupational title of Glazier in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri
  • Obj. Nos. 003-051 to Annual Wage Order No. 26 to wage rate for the occupational title of Operating Engineer in Adair, Putnam, Clark, Knox, Lewis, Macon, Marion, Monroe, Montgomery, Pike, Ralls, Randolph, Schuyler, Scotland, Shelby, Warren, Audrain, Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Miller, Moniteau, Morgan, Osage, Phelps, Pulaski, Washington, Butler, Carter, Howell, Oregon, Reynolds, Shannon, Texas, Wayne, Bollinger, Cape Girardeau, Dunklin, Iron, Madison, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Perry, Ripley, Scott, Ste. Genevieve and Stoddard Counties, Missouri
  • Obj. No. 052 to Annual Wage Order No. 26 to wage rate for the occupational title of Cement Mason in Platte County, Missouri
  • Obj. No. 053 to Annual Wage Order No. 26 to wage rate for the occupational title of Cement Mason in Callaway County, Missouri
  • Obj. Nos. 054-076 to Annual Wage Order No. 26 to wage rate for the occupational titles of Building--Carpenter, Millwright, Linoleum Layer, Inside Wireman Electrician and Heavy & Highway in Atchison, Camden, Cass, Cooper, Daviess, Jackson, Jefferson, Laclede, Lafayette, Mercer, Montgomery, Newton, Platte, Polk, Ray, St. Charles, St. Louis, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Osage, McDonald and Stoddard Counties, Missouri

2018 Decisions

As of April 25, 2018, no timely Objection to Annual Wage Order No. 25 has been filed with the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission; all pending matters have been resolved.


The Division of Labor Standards (DLS) has notified the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission (Commission) that Annual Wage Order No. 25 (AWO 25) filed with the Secretary of State on March 9, 2018, contains erroneous wage rate information for multiple occupational titles across multiple counties.  DLS has filed a Motion to Amend AWO 25 to correct the erroneous information and to correct typographical errors identified since the filing of AWO 25.  The Motion to Amend is posted below.  Subject to consideration of objections to the Motion to Amend, the Commission intends to approve the Motion to Amend.

All interested parties are advised to review the changes proposed by the Motion to Amend in conjunction with their review of the AWO 25 filed March 9, 2018.

Parties who have already completed their review of AWO 25 are strongly advised to review AWO 25 again in conjunction with the Motion to Amend.


2017 Decisions

As of May 2, 2017, all Objections to Annual Wage Order No. 24 which had been filed with the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission have been resolved.

Hearings Schedule

The scheduled April 26, 2017, prehearing and May 10, 2017, hearing of these objections are hereby canceled.


The Division of Labor Standards (DLS) has notified the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission (Commission) that Annual Wage Order No. 24 (AWO 24) filed with the Secretary of State on March 10, 2017, contains erroneous wage rate information for multiple occupational titles across multiple counties.  DLS has filed a Motion to Amend AWO 24 to correct the erroneous information and to correct typographical errors identified since the filing of AWO 24.  The Motion to Amend is posted below.  Subject to consideration of objections to the Motion to Amend, the Commission intends to approve the Motion to Amend.

All interested parties are advised to review the changes proposed by the Motion to Amend in conjunction with their review of the AWO 24 filed March 10, 2017.

Parties who have already completed their review of AWO 24 are strongly advised to review AWO 24 again in conjunction with the Motion to Amend.

Parties with objections to the Motion to Amend should file their objections no later than April 10, 2017.

Any objection to the Motion to Amend that has not been ruled by the Commission as of the time the Commission approves the Motion to Amend will be treated as an objection to AWO 24.

2016 Decisions

As of May 10, 2016, all Objections to Annual Wage Order No. 23 which had been filed with the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission have been resolved.


The Division of Labor Standards (DLS) has notified the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission (Commission) that Annual Wage Order No. 23 (AWO 23) filed with the Secretary of State on March 10, 2016, contains erroneous wage rate information for multiple occupational titles across multiple counties.  DLS has filed a Motion to Amend AWO 23 to correct the erroneous information and to correct typographical errors identified since the filing of AWO 23.  The Motion to Amend is posted below.  Subject to consideration of objections to the Motion to Amend, the Commission intends to approve the Motion to Amend.

All interested parties are advised to review the changes proposed by the Motion to Amend in conjunction with their review of the AWO 23 filed March 10, 2016.

Parties who have already completed their review of AWO 23 are strongly advised to review AWO 23 again in conjunction with the Motion to Amend.

Parties with objections to the Motion to Amend should file their objections no later than April 11, 2016.

Any objection to the Motion to Amend that has not been ruled by the Commission as of the time the Commission approves the Motion to Amend will be treated as an objection to AWO 23.

Obj. No. 001 to Annual Wage Order No. 23 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Sprinkler Fitter – Fire Protection in Randolph County, Missouri

Obj. No. 002 to Annual Wage Order No. 23 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Carpenter in Bates County, Missouri

2015 Decisions

General Wage Order Number 59 was filed with the Secretary of State's office May 18 , 2015.  There were no objections received by the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission.  General Wage Order Number 59 has become final.

As of May 20, 2015, all Objections to Annual Wage Order No. 22 which had been filed with the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission have been resolved.


The Division of Labor Standards (DLS) has notified the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission (Commission) that, due to a technical problem, Annual Wage Order No. 22 (AWO 22) filed with the Secretary of State on March 10, 2015, contains erroneous wage rate information for multiple occupational titles across multiple counties.  DLS has filed a Motion to Amend AWO 22 to correct the erroneous information and to correct typographical errors identified since the filing of AWO 22.  The Motion to Amend is posted below.  Subject to consideration of objections to the Motion to Amend, the Commission intends to approve the Motion to Amend.

All interested parties are advised to review the changes proposed by the Motion to Amend in conjunction with their review of the AWO 22 filed March 10, 2015. 

Parties who have already completed their review of AWO 22 are strongly advised to review AWO 22 again in conjunction with the Motion to Amend.

Parties with objections to the Motion to Amend should file their objections no later than April 9, 2015.

Any objection to the Motion to Amend that has not been ruled by the Commission as of the time the Commission approves the Motion to Amend will be treated as an objection to AWO 22.

Obj. No. 001 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of General Laborer in Linn County, Missouri

Obj. No. 002 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of General Laborer in Howard County, Missouri

Obj. No. 003 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Carpenter in Scotland County, Missouri

Obj. Nos. 004-113 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Carpenter-Heavy Construction in all Missouri Counties except for Cass, Clay, Jackson, Platte and Ray Counties

Obj. No. 114 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Painter in Butler County, Missouri

Obj. No. 115 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Painter in Camden County, Missouri

Obj. No. 116 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Painter in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri

Obj. No. 117 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Painter in Dunklin County, Missouri

Obj. No. 118 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Painter in Madison County, Missouri

Obj. No. 119 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Painter in Mississippi County, Missouri

Obj. No. 120 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Painter in New Madrid County, Missouri

Obj. No. 121 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Painter in Pemiscot County, Missouri

Obj. No. 122 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Painter in Reynolds County, Missouri

Obj. No. 123 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Painter in Ripley County, Missouri

Obj. No. 124 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Painter in Shannon County, Missouri

Obj. No. 125 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Painter in St. Francois County, Missouri

Obj. No. 126 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Painter in Stoddard County, Missouri

Obj. No. 127 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Painter in Wayne County, Missouri

Obj. No. 128 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Glazier in Reynolds County, Missouri

Obj. No. 129 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Sprinkler Fitter in Crawford County, Missouri

Obj. No. 130 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Sprinkler Fitter in Gasconade County, Missouri

Obj. No. 131 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Sprinkler Fitter in Miller County, Missouri

Obj. No. 132 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Sprinkler Fitter in Osage County, Missouri

Obj. No. 133 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of General Laborer and 2nd Semi-Skill Laborer in Laclede County, Missouri

Obj. No. 134 to Annual Wager Order No. 22 to wage rate for the Occupational Title of Bricklayer and Stone Mason in Lincoln County, Missouri

Obj. No. 135 & 136

  • Obj. No. 135 to Annual Wage Order No. 22 for shift differential interpretation
  • Obj. No. 136 to Annual Wage Order No. 22 for Iron Worker & Laborer interpretation
  • Obj. No. 135 & 136 Order